Oppgaven vår var å lage en collage/montasje med "bokstaver" som har oppstått enten naturlig eller tilfeldig i naturen. Enten organisk eller mekanisk.
Our task was to make a collage/montage with "letters" that have formed either naturally or by a random cause in nature. Either organic or mechanic.
In this collage I've decided to mix the letters of the nature together with the ones created by humans. This is to create a tension and an unpredictable feeling in the otherwise predictable composition. I've chosen a very traditional composition, where I have 1 cm between every picture with the exception of the two last rows, where it increased. To "cover" this emptiness, I chose a dark background where one could also spot snowy nature. To break a bit with the symmetrical composition, I decided to let the first letter be bigger and take more space.
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